Reliability Society's Dr. Jeffrey Voas and Alfred Stevens Elected Vice-Presidents of the IEEE Technology Management Council

The IEEE Technology Management Council (TMC) is one of seven councils of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The Reliability Society is one of the 13 founding societies of TMC. The Council's Field of Interest includes "the management sciences and practices applicable to individuals engaged in or overseeing the management of engineering, technology, innovation, and strategy in a global environment". "Broad Reliability" initiatives: including reliability, maintainability, trust, security, and RS's other "Specialities" thread through our TMC sister society's interests and initiatives. Our TMC participation promotes intra-societies understanding and the joint advancement of Broad Reliability. Dr. Samuel Keene, FIEEE, has been the Reliability Society representative to the TMC Board of Governors.

Elections were held this month for two TMC Excom offices: VP of Operations and VP Conferences. Two of the candidates put forth this year, for 2013 - 2014, have served on the Reliability Society Excom. Both of the Reliability Society candidates were elected:
Dr. Jeffrey Voas, FIEEE, Past Reliability Society President and current Division VI Director, elected TMC VP Operations
Alfred Stevens, IEEE Conference Publications Committee and past VP Conferences, Reliability Society, elected TMC VP Conferences.